List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Jamaica (2024)

Pharmaceutical Companies in Jamaica

There are more of importing and distribution pharmaceutical companies in Jamaica, a small country in the Caribbean. A few of the manufacturing pharmaceutical companies in Jamaica include Mac’s Pharmaceuticals, P.A. Benjamin, Supreme Chemicals Ltd. Pharmaceutical exports from Jamaica in 2020 were worth 5.29 million U.S. dollars. Jamaica imports pharmaceuticals from the US, Germany, India, Canada. … Read more

4 Ways a Couple can Test their Baby for Sickle Cell during Pregnancy

Couple can Test their Baby for Sickle Cell during Pregnancy

A carrier couple is a husband and wife with the sickle cell traits (Hemoglobin S) in their genotype, e.g., AS, and SS individuals. AS individuals, are advised not to marry each other, as there are possibilities of giving birth to a sickle cell patient. There are strongly advised to marry AA individuals, because AA has … Read more

Understanding all Types of Genotype, Blood Group and Compactibility

Types of Genotype, Blood Group and Compactibility

Knowing your genotype is an important thing to do before choosing a life partner. This is because marrying a person who has genotype incompatibility with you may result in giving birth to offspring with certain diseases, such as sickle cell disorders. Therefor, the knowledge of genotype, blood types, and the blood group is a necessary … Read more

8 Different Blood Types Explained

8 Different Blood Types Explained

Blood types are determined by the presence or absence of antigens. Antigens can trigger immune system response during blood transfusion if blood typing and cross-matching is not properly done. This reaction can cause clumping of blood cells and can be fatal. Blood transfusion is needed during surgery, trauma, cancer therapy, anemia, and difficult child delivery. … Read more

Different Types of Blood Group Sytems, Antigens & Antibodies

Types of Blood Group Sytems, Antigens & Antibodies

Blood grouping or blood typing is the grouping of blood based on the presence or absence of antigens on the surface of the red blood cells. These antigens may be proteins, carbohydrates, glycoproteins, or glycolipids. International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) recognizes 43 blood group system, with over 349 antigens. 48 genes genetically determine these … Read more

Wonderful Health Benefits of Velvet Bean, Devil Beans (Mucuna Pruriens)

Health Benefits of Velvet Bean, Devil Beans (Mucuna Pruriens)

Mucuna pruriens, or velvet beans, cowhag, common cowitch is an annual climbing legume from the family, Leguminoseae. The plant is originally from southern China and eastern India, where it was cultivated as a green vegetable crop. It is now grown in tropical regions such as Africa, tropical America, the Pacific region, the West Indies, and … Read more

Full List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Panama (2024)

Pharmaceutical Companies in Panama

There are mostly importing and distribution pharmaceutical companies in Panama. Panama depends on mostly imported drugs which is about 90% of all medicines in the country. All pharmaceutical products must be regsitered with the Ministerio de Salud de la República de Panamá “MINSA” (Ministry of Health), the Food and Drug Administration federal agency of Panama. … Read more

Full List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Guatemala (2024)

Pharmaceutical Companies in Guatemala

There are few pharmaceutical companies in Guatemala that actively manufactures pharmaceutical products. However, there are many importers and distributors of pharmaceutical products. Guatemala is the most populous and largest economy in Central America. It is also the largest pharma market in Central America. In 2021, Guatemala imported pharmaceuticals worth 919.95 million U.S. dollars, while the … Read more

Major Health Benefits of Soursop or Graviola (Annona muricata L)

Health Benefits of Soursop or Graviola (Annona muricata L)

Soursop plant, also called graviola, guyabano is a tropical, small evergreen tree, which produces the largest fruit in the family (Annonaceae). The tree of soursop (Annona muricata L) can grow up to 10 feet (3.05 m), and can tolerate a whole range of soil conditions. The plant has low branching and produces evergreen, glossy leaves. … Read more

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Suriname (2024)

Pharmaceutical Companies in Suriname

This is the list of wholesalers and distributors of pharmaceutical products in Suriname. There are no manufacturing pharmaceutical companies in Suriname, a country in South America bordering Guyana. The pharmaceutical imports were worth US$18.01 Million in 2021. The Medicines Supply Company Suriname (BGVS) is the largest importer and wholesaler of pharmaceuticals in Suriname. Pharmport is … Read more