How to Prepare Clove and Garlic, Clove Tea, other 5 Clove Recipes

clove and garlic, clove and ginger, clove oil, clove tea, Karak tea or Masala chai

There are many recipes and preparations that can be gotten from the herb, cloves. The recipes such as clove and garlic utilize the numerous nutritional and health benefits of the clove plant. Clove oil extracted from the plant has loads of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. These phytochemicals have antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, lipid-lowering, antihypertensive action. Other … Read more

Important Health Benefits of Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)

Health Benefits of Clove

Cloves, from the plant family, Myrtacea are the aromatic dried buds of a tree called Eugenia caryophyllata also sometimes Syzgium aromaticum. They are used as a spice in cuisine in many parts of the world. Clove has potential antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, among other health benefits. Syzgium aromaticum is an evergreen plant ranging from 8 … Read more

Full List of Pharmaceutical Companies in El Salvador (2024)

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in El Salvador

There is presence of pharmaceutical companies in El Salvador, the smallest and densely populated country in the Caribbean. The country is the first country in the Central American region to receive good manufacturing practices certification from the WHO. Pharmaceutical companies in El Salvador exported pharmaceuticals worth 208.5 million USD in 2021, mostly to neighboring countries … Read more

Aidan Fruit (T. Tetraptera): Important Nutritional and Health Benefits


Aidan fruit (botanical name: Tetrapleura tetraptera) is a culinary spice. The deciduous plant is from the family, Fabaceae – Mimosoideae. The plant is native to West Africa, and is highly distributed in tropical Africa, secondary forest, and rainforest, where they perform best. The plant is abundant in countries like Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia, Benin, Uganda, Burkina … Read more

All the Common Poison and Antidotes

common poison and antidotes

There are different poison and antidotes, but the most important aspect in treating poisoning is the identification of the ingested poisonous or corrosive substance. What is a poison? A poison is any substance when administered by ways such as mouth, injection, inhalation, skin or mucous membrane, causes ill health, disease, or death. Acute poisoning can … Read more

Full List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Honduras (2024)

Pharmaceutical Companies in Honduras

There are mostly distribution and importing pharmaceutical companies in Honduras, the second largest country in Central America. It is the 4th largest pharmaceutical market in Central America. The country depends mostly on imported drugs from the US, Mexico and Guatemala. The import value was around 684.31 million U.S. dollars in 2021. Pharmaceutical Companies in Honduras … Read more

Turmeric: Wonderful Health Benefits, and Side Effects

turmeric health benefits

Turmeric is a perennial flowering plant, obtained from the rhizome (the underground part/root) of Curcuma longa L. It belongs to the ginger family, “Zingiberaceae”, and is closely related to ginger. The roots of are used in the Asia, mostly in India, Middle East, Africa for cooking, beauty purpose and herbal remedies because it is really … Read more

Turmeric for Skin Care: How to Prepare and Apply it

Turmeric for Skin Care

Turmeric is a wonderful plant with so many health benefits. Additionally, the use of turmeric for skin care products has found its use in many home remedies preparations and products. The antioxidant, antibacterial, and ant inflammatory properties are highly utilized in skin care routine for various purposes. The bioactive element, curcumin, is mostly responsible for … Read more

Clear Differences between Genotype and Phenotype

Differences between Genotype and Phenotype

Genotype and phenotype are two terms used when explaining and differentiating the genetic makeup of an individual as well as the expression of traits. The genes and other factors (epigenetic and environmental factors) determine the expression of traits. Genotype is our genetic makeup, while phenotype are the observable characteristics. The main difference between genotype and … Read more

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Jamaica (2024)

Pharmaceutical Companies in Jamaica

There are more of importing and distribution pharmaceutical companies in Jamaica, a small country in the Caribbean. A few of the manufacturing pharmaceutical companies in Jamaica include Mac’s Pharmaceuticals, P.A. Benjamin, Supreme Chemicals Ltd. Pharmaceutical exports from Jamaica in 2020 were worth 5.29 million U.S. dollars. Jamaica imports pharmaceuticals from the US, Germany, India, Canada. … Read more