The Safest and Fastest Body Weight Loss Program

Losing body weight can be hard and injurious to the health when done the wrong way.

Many people in their journey to weight loss resort to certain lifestyles like taking pills and slimming products, which sometimes is detrimental to human health.

This is as a result of some risk factors like underlying sicknesses, allergy and so on.

Fastest and Safest Ways to Achieve Weight Loss

In this article, I’m going to show you the fastest and yet safest ways to lose weight without any side effects.

1) NUTRITION: The journey to weight loss is such that it requires great carefulness in what one consumes as food. It is worthy to note that not everything one consumes as food is beneficial to the body.

Some foods are to be consumed in small quantities, while some are in large quantities. So, knowing the adequate quantities of the different foods required by the body is very crucial.

The intake of foods like carbohydrates (yam, rice, garri, pasta, etc.) is to be reduced to the barest minimum.

This is because reduction of the intake of carbs causes the burning of fats in the body for energy, instead of the sugars from carbohydrates.

However, replacing refined or simple carbs with complex carbs like whole grains is ideal because they are rich in fibre.

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You can never go wrong with your vegetables and fruits, regardless of the quantity. Leafy green vegetables can be consumed in large quantities without the fear of calories increase.

Fruits and vegetables contain fewer calories but more fiber and nutrients.

Low-carb vegetables and fruits to include in your meal plan are:

  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Lettuce
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Cucumber
  • Grapefruit
  • Berries
  • Watermelon
  • Apples
  • Passion fruit
  • Oranges
  • Bananas
  • Avocados and so on
Fruits for Weight Loss
Fruits for Weight Loss

Note that fruits are best eaten whole because of the fibre content, rather than juicing them.

The consumption of proteins provides the body with fewer calories than carbohydrates that are ideal for weight loss. Healthy proteins in their adequate amount are required.

The average male and female need 56-91 grams and 46-75 grams of proteins on a daily basis, respectively (WebMD)

In addition, our body needs healthy fats like olive oil and avocado oil. But saturated fats like coconut oil and butter are to be taken in moderation because of their high-fat content.

It is advised also in this journey that one takes a lot of water. Water helps the body to metabolize fats and carbohydrates, which aids in weight loss.

Note that the intake of chilled water is to be reduced to the barest minimum, or even avoided if possible.

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2) FEEDING HABITS: As important as food is, good feeding habits are key to weight loss.

One who is on a journey to weight loss must avoid eating late at night or sleeping almost immediately after eating.

This is because the body will have no time to burn out the calories. So, it’s advised to stay up at least 2-3hours after eating.

Eating so fast has been discovered to be a great contributing factor to weight gain. This is because rushing your food makes you eat more food than required, which adds to your weight.

Finally, junk foods like biscuits, candies, sausages, bread, carbonated drinks, etc. should be limited or avoided. If possible, stop snacking in-between meals, instead eat fruits and drink enough water.

3) EXERCISE: Common exercises like walking, running, jogging, swimming, cycling are very crucial to weight loss as they help to burn out more calories in the body.

Exercise should be done daily, no matter how small. It doesn’t need to be a strenuous, time-consuming one. It can last for as small as 15-30minutes.

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4) SLEEP: The hours of your sleeping time is not as important as the quality of the sleep. Poor sleep contributes greatly to weight gain, and thus quality sleep is needed on the journey to weight loss.

5) INTERMITTENT FASTING: It is a powerful tool for weight loss. This is because it causes the stored excess sugar (glycogen) and fats to be accessible by the body.

This is well explained by glycogenolysis, a process in biochemistry whereby the glycogen (excess sugar stored in the body) is broken down to glucose to supply the body with energy during fasting.

If one strictly adheres to the above-mentioned points, he’s sure to lose at least 2-3 kg in a week.

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