Full List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Argentina (2024)

There are many pharmaceutical companies in Argentina, the third largest pharma market in Latin America, after Brazil and Mexico. In 2021, there are 354 pharmaceutical labs, 229 manufacturing facilities. 181 of the manufacturing facilities are national, while 48 are foreign firms. There are 43000 direct jobs and, 120000 indirect jobs employed by the sector.

In the same year, the pharmaceutical market is estimated at USD 8,329 million, and contributed 4.9% of the industrial GDP in Argentina. Export stood at USD 836 million while imports stood at USD 2,379 million.

Most of the manufacturing pharmaceutical companies in Argentina are local, with only two multinational companies, Sanofi and Bayer. About 20 of the pharmaceutical labs control 70% of the market in Argentina. The top pharmaceutical companies in Argentina are Roemmers, Bago, Gador, Elea Phoenix, Baliarda, Montpellier, Bernabo, Grupo Insud, Raffo, and Laboratorio Pablo Cassará SRL. Multinational companies such as Sanofi Aventis, Bayer, GSK, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, Teva, Novartis, and Boehringer Ingelheim also ranks well.

They manufacture generics, biosimilars, APIs and export to countries like Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Columbia, other Latin American countries, Asia, Western Europe.

There are presence of pharmaceutical companies from Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, France, UK, and the US in Argentina.

Pharmaceutical companies in Argentina are highly concentrated in regions such as CABA, the capital city, Buenos Aires, and lesser in Cordoba and Santa Fe.

See also  List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Qatar (2024)

Cámara Industrial de Laboratorios Farmacéuticos Argentinos (CILFA) is an organization of generic and biosimilar pharmaceuticals manufacturers in Argentina.

Pharmaceutical Companies in Argentina (List)

List of pharmaceutical companies in Argentina with full contact information.

Abbott Laboratories Argentina

Hunters of Coquimbo 2860
Munro – Province of Buenos Aires – Argentina

Email: pv.argentina@abbott.com
Tel: +54 11 6090-3100

Amarin Technologies S.A

Sanchez 2045 (C1416BQG), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Email: info@amarintech.com.ar
Tel: +54 11 4588-6500

Apilab SRL

Bartolomé Mitre 29 Piso 2, B7000 Tandil,
Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Phone: +54 810-333-8917

Arcano S.A.

Laboratorio de apoyo

Coronel Martiniano Chilavert 1124 / 26
C1437HBD – C.A.B.A. – Argentina

Telfax (+5411) 4921 9673 – 4922 9650 / 9469
Mail: info@arcanolab.com.ar

Arkaitz Laboratorios S.A.

La Noria 48 – Complejo Industrial Nogalis – Unid. 3
Capilla del Señor – Buenos Aires – CP (2812)

Tel: (54 11)2153-0392
E-mail: arkaitzlaboratorio@gmail.com | contacto@laboratoriosarkaitz.com


Av. Crámer 4130, B1603APO CABA, Argentina

Phone: +54 11 4703-8600


Cazadores de Coquimbo 2860
(1605) – Munro – Argentina

Tel.: (54-11) 6090-3100

B. Braun Argentina

Avenida Cabildo 1507 8° piso
(C1426ABC) CABA, Buenos Aires

Tel: +54 11 4954-2030
Fax: +54 11 4954-2030

Baliarda S.A

Cochabamba 2525, C1252AAO,
CABA, Buenos Aires

Tel: (5411) 4122 5800
Email: comerciointernacional@baliarda.com.ar,

Bayer S.A.

Casilla de Correo 84
1605 Munro Pcia Buenes Aires
Ricardo Gutiérrez 3652
1605 Munro-Pcia. de Buenos Aires

Phone: +54 11 47627000
Fax: +54 11 47627100

Biogen Argentina

Av. Del Libertador 350 – 7° piso
Vicente López – Buenos Aires – Argentina

Tel: +54 (11) 5550-8150
Email: argentina@biogen.com

Bioprofarma Bagó

Terrada 1270 – CABA – C1416ARD

Tel: +54 11 4016.6200
Email: info@bioprofarma.com

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